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Everything You Need to Know from the 2024 Intestinal Health Symposium

If you missed the sixth annual Kemin Intestinal Health Symposium, or if you want to revisit any of the expert presentations, you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find a brief synopsis of each presentation with links to hear the latest information from experts from various livestock and poultry industries.

The Microbiome in Livestock and Poultry: Cutting Through the Hype and Getting to Solutions

“The microbiome is linked to virtually every single aspect of production.”

—Dr. Joshua Lyte: Microbiologist, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Poultry Production and Product Safety Research Unit

In his presentation, Dr. Joshua Lyte emphasizes that simply knowing the composition of an animal’s gut microbiome does not reveal its influence on specific physiological functions within the host. To understand how the microbiome affects animal health, Dr. Lyte says researchers should formulate precise, function-focused hypotheses rather than relying on broad, data-driven exploration. Dr. Lyte also highlighted the need for more research on microbiomes in other organ systems, such as the respiratory tract. These microbiomes may significantly impact host health, particularly regarding respiratory infections that affect poultry and livestock productivity. Watch Dr. Lyte’s presentation to learn more about how leveraging the microbial communities of both the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts can help improve livestock and poultry production.


Management Strategies to Reduce Disease Incidence in Dairy Cows During the Transition Period

“[During the transition period] these animals are immune suppressed. Some of these metabolic, inflammatory conditions and oxidative stress suppress the immune system … and that’s likely the reason why these animals have more incidence of disease during this period.”

— Dr. Lautaro Cangiano: Assistant Professor in Immunology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Animal & Dairy Sciences

Dr. Lautaro Cangiano discusses how metabolic changes during the transition period significantly impact immune function. He emphasizes that early-life factors in the neonatal stage can shape long-term disease susceptibility. Dr. Cangiano explains that, by optimizing calf management during this critical period, producers can improve the future health and resilience of their herds. Watch as Dr. Cangiano explains research on transition cow health and how the long-term health of cows is shaped in early life.


Drinking Water for Calves and Cows: Both Quantity and Quality Matter

“Using chlorine dioxide can be a promising strategy to improve the microbial quality of drinking water for livestock.”

Dr. Ranga Appuhamy: Associate Professor, Iowa State University, Animal Science

During his presentation, Dr. Ranga Appuhamy talks about the importance of drinking water in the performance of cows and calves. He explores misconceptions in the industry about how much water these animals need at different life stages, and shows how free water intake has many positive effects on dry matter intake, growth, stress management, immunity, and more.

Dr. Appuhamy also outlines the impact of water quality on performance and overall health, and discusses key considerations for drinking water quality. He also discusses guidelines for maintaining water intake and quality herds.

Watch Dr. Appuhamy’s presentation and dive into the research.


From Weaning to Thriving: Designing Feeding and Nutrition Interventions

“We wean pigs early on … The impact lasts longer. We’re going to have a compromised GI tract; we’re going to increase intestinal permeability … the immune response is suppressed too.”

— Dr. David Rosero: Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, Animal Science

Dr. David Rosero’s presentation emphasizes the importance of targeted nutritional and feeding interventions to support pig growth and health during challenging stages, especially post-weaning. At weaning, pigs experience stress that can reduce feed intake, and it’s crucial to address this with strategies to enhance early feed intake. One of these strategies is to introduce creep feeding before weaning, which can also boost performance if a producer can get as many pigs as possible accustomed to it before the transition.

Rosero highlights the benefits of using diverse, complex diets — including animal by-products — to increase nutrient availability, reduce gut issues, and support growth and immunity. He also discusses mineral supplementation, noting that while high zinc and copper levels provide antimicrobial effects, environmental concerns are driving research into lower-dose alternatives. Additionally, feed additives like acidifiers and plant extracts show promise for improving health. Learn more about feeding and nutrition interventions from Dr. Rosero’s presentation.


Biosecurity in Production: Impact on Animal and Gut Health

“We know a variety of bacteria and viruses can be transmitted through feed ingredients and finished feed.”

— Dr. Jordan Gebhardt: Assistant Professor, Kansas State University, Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology

Dr. Jordan Gebhardt highlights recent advancements in biosecurity within the swine industry, particularly in breeding herds. However, he notes that biosecurity in other critical areas, like the growing and finishing phases and market transport sanitation, requires further development to establish effective and cost-efficient measures. He also emphasizes the essential role of gut health, beginning from a very young age, in supporting overall animal health and productivity.

Dr. Gebhardt stresses the importance of excluding pathogens and promoting a healthy microbial environment within the gut. In feed biosecurity, while efforts have primarily focused on pathogen exclusion, such as preventing PEDv (Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus) contamination, the impact of these biosecurity strategies on overall gut health is a valuable area for future research and understanding of long-term benefits. Watch Dr. Gebhardt’s presentation to learn more.


Exploring the Microbial World: What Do We Know, What Do We Think, What Do We Hope?

“When we get these ecosystems out of balance, that’s called dysbiosis — and that affects the animal at all levels. It’s like throwing a rock in a pond. You get ripples that affect everything that animal does.”

— Dr. Todd Callaway: Associate Professor in Ruminant Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Microbiology, University of Georgia, Animal and Dairy Science

Dr. Todd Callaway’s presentation sheds light on recent advancements in understanding the ruminal microbial population in cattle. With deeper insights into the complexity of these microbial communities, researchers are recognizing that there is still much to learn about the diversity and function of gut microbes. Dr. Callaway discusses efforts to connect specific microbial populations with metabolic activities — both catabolic and anabolic — that influence host performance, physiology, and productivity.

He emphasizes that the composition of these microbial populations plays a far more significant role in animal health and productivity, affecting both cow health and steer performance more profoundly than previously understood. This evolving understanding of microbial dynamics underscores the potential for targeted interventions to enhance livestock productivity and health outcomes. Watch Dr. Callaway’s presentation to get the details.


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