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The Powerful Effect of Butyric Acid and Zinc

ButiPEARL® Z EQ – the first product of its kind on the market – provides supplemental butyric acid and zinc to help strengthen the intestinal tract of the animal.

Why Feed ButiPEARL Z EQ?

The combination of zinc and butyric acid strengthens the lining of the gut, leading to improved nutrient absorption and a stronger barrier against pathogens, parasites and toxins. A healthier gut means less Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS).

ButiPEARL Z EQ Benefits

  • Provides two important nutrients that play a vital role in gut health – butyric acid and zinc
  • Encapsulation technology allows for release through the upper and lower gut1,2
  • Improves overall gut health, which can lead to improved performance and wellbeing

LGS happens when your animal's gastrointestinal tract is compromised, allowing harmful substances to cross the intestinal barrier into the blood stream. Below is a list of some of the symptoms of LGS.

  • Not performing at the previous or expected level
  • Chronic or recurrent colic
  • Changes in behavior or personality
  • Laminitis
  • Insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome
  • "Girthy" when saddled
  • Loose manure or diarrhea
  • Skin allergies

Build a barrier against leaky gut

Kemin Encapsulation Technology

For more than 30 years, Kemin has invested in technology that's revolutionized encapsulation, improving the way animal nutrition products – like ButiPEARL Z EQ – are manufactured. Technology is often only as effective as the people who build it. The Kemin team includes pioneers in encapsulation and highly trained experts who create the best products, which bring the best value for our customers. The combination of commercial feeding experience, in vitro and in vivo studies, on-farm data and quality control testing is unmatched. The result is a consistent, concentrated and cost-effective product.

Take a look at our proprietary encapsulation technologies by watching the video below.


The intestinal barrier is regularly exposed to up to 10 trillion microorganisms, making it extremely important to keep it functioning properly. Strengthen the barrier and maintain performance by feeding your animal ButiPEARL Z EQ, learn more:

Product Specifications

ButiPEARL Z EQ Spec Sheet


ButiPEARL Z EQ One Pager
Protective Effects of Butyric Acid and ...
ButiPEARL Z - Gastrointestinal Tract On...



1Peng, L. et al. 2009. Butyrate Enhances the Intestinal Barrier by Facilitating Tight Junction Assembly via Activation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in Caco-2 Cell Monolayers. J. Nutr. 139:1619-1625.
2Ma, X. et al. 2012. Butyrate promotes the recovering of intestinal wound healing through its positive effect on the tight junctions. J. Anim. Sci. 90:266-268.
3Kemin Internal Document, 15-00082.

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