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Oxine® AH

Sanitation and Disinfection Solutions for Animal Health

OXINE® AH is a broad-spectrum, stabilized chlorine dioxide disinfectant with proven efficacy against bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens.


  • Hard surface disinfection
  • Animal confinement areas disinfection
  • Terminal sanitizing rinse for clean-in-place (CIP) systems
  • Farm equipment disinfection
  • Disinfection of animal drinking water supply

Key Features

  • 2% stabilized chlorine dioxide disinfectant solution (EPA Reg. no. 9804-1)
  • Easy handling for small- to large-scale applications
  • Broad-spectrum disinfectant controlling bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens
  • Fast acting, preventing pathogen resistance from developing
  • Effective over a broad range of pH (3 to 10)
  • Minimal neutralization from organic load
  • Low corrosion potential
  • OMRI Listed® for organic use


OXINE AH is easy to handle and can be activated manually for small-scale applications. Alternatively, OXINE AH can be offered with field-proven, automated application systems designed by an expert team of in-house engineers. Bio-Cide International developed a complete portfolio of application equipment that can be installed to meet all your disinfection needs.

Bio-Cide International

Bio-Cide International Inc., A Kemin Company, is a pioneer and leader of sanitation and disinfection solutions across different markets. Using over 50 years of research and development, products like OXINE AH were created to meet the ever-growing needs of the agriculture industry.

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