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What is Gut Health in Cattle? And Why Does it Matter?

The ruminant digestive system is as complex as it is important to beef production. Optimal gut health in cattle helps improve performance, prevent leaky gut and mitigates stress. CLOSTAT® from Kemin offers proven protection against pathogens including Clostridia, Salmonella and Escherichia coli, resulting in better overall ruminant gut health.



What is leaky gut?

Leaky gut occurs when a compromised GI tract lining allows harmful substances to be absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in intestinal inflammation.


8 stressors impacting gut health in cattle

  • Pathogens
  • Heat or cold stress
  • Diet changes
  • Weaning
  • Handling and transportation
  • Metabolic and production demands
  • Mold and mycotoxins
  • Overcrowding

9 things to consider when choosing a microbial

Not all probiotic products are active microbials, and not all active microbials are the same. When choosing a microbial for improved gut health in cattle, consider the following factors:

  • Proven modes of action
  • Strain safety
  • Acid and bile stability
  • Speed of growth within the gut
  • Maintenance of beneficial gut bacteria
  • Suitability for use with other antimicrobials
  • Stability in pelleting conditions
  • Specificity against the disease-causing pathogens of interest
  • Controlled evaluation to document response benefits in the target host

Target Pathogens with Precision

CLOSTAT contains a proprietary strain of Bacillus subtilis PB6. Kemin selected B. subtilis PB6 — a unique, naturally occurring and spore-forming probiotic — because it helps maintain the balance of microflora in the GI tract in an array of animals, including beef cattle. The B. subtilis PB6 in CLOSTAT has been shown to have multiple modes of action:


Pathogen inhibition

B. subtilis PB6 has been found to secrete multiple biocidal proteins that are inhibitory towards certain strains of pathogenic bacteria.


Reduced gut inflammation

B. subtilis PB6 has been found to secrete cyclic lipopeptides surfactins through normal metabolism, which inhibit PLA2.


Quorum quenching (QQ)

B. subtilis PB6 has been found to prevent the initiation of infection, colonization and disease progression, known as quorum sensing, by producing a lipopeptide called fengycin.


CLOSTAT for Ruminants Brochure
CLOSTAT Beef MOA One Pager 2023
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