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Gut Health Solutions for Turkey

Maintaining gut health in turkeys is essential to raising top performing birds. When properly managed, good gut health in turkeys empowers birds to fight off disease. However, managing turkey gut health has been a challenge in recent years as turkey producers face tremendous consumer pressure to reduce antibiotic use. This movement comes from the public's growing concern that antibiotic use in meat production will result in antibiotic resistance in humans. Producing top-quality turkeys at consumer-friendly prices, without the support of antibiotics, creates a huge challenge, but it can be done. 


Major Challenges that Impact Turkey Gut Health

  • Coccidiosis
  • Clostridia
  • Necrotic enteritis

Over the years, Kemin has created antibiotic-free gut health solutions for turkeys by researching beneficial bacteria and optimized feed efficiency methods. So how does it work? Improving turkey gut health involves a combined focus of the structural integrity of the intestine, the healthy balance of microflora, and the status of the immune system. Each of these elements are interconnected. 

Intestinal Integrity—A Barrier of Protection

Intestinal integrity is all about maintaining the strength of the intestinal barrier in order to maximize nutrient absorption within the bird. The intestinal barrier is made up of a layer of epithelial cells, preventing harmful pathogens and toxins from entering the system (i.e., leaky gut), and is critical for fluid and electrolyte secretion. Since it is regularly exposed to up to 10 trillion microorganisms, it's important to keep this barrier functioning properly.

Balancing Microbiota—Diversity Results in Immunity

Balancing microbiota when managing broiler gut health means to diversify the complex community of microorganisms living in the digestive tract of broilers. This exposure to beneficial bacteria, microflora, and microbes promotes a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract by stimulating the immune system and protecting against pathogens. 

The Immune System—The Champion of Challenges

Up to 70 percent of an animal's immune response resides in the GI tract. So, supporting immune functions will help poultry respond to challenges like disease and inflammation. By supporting tight junctions, or multi-protein cells that tightly bind the epithelial cells within the stomach lining, the immune response of animals can be improved. The breakdown of the intestinal barrier results in losses of animal production and efficiency.

Gut Health Begins at Hatch

Kemin knows from its years of research in improving turkey gut health that the first bacteria introduced to a chick originates from the parent, so steps to control gut health should start at the parent flock level. Creating an environment of healthy bacteria will carry on to subsequent flocks, producing a cumulative benefit for bird health and productivity alike. To support these strategies, Kemin has created a line of gut health solutions for poultry to help protect each element of gut health. 

Kemin Gut Health Solutions for Poultry

Aleta offers a concentration greater than 50% of 1,3-beta glucans. Beta glucans have been used in human and livestock as a way to enhance host protective immunity. Enhancing protective immunity during a time when young animals are developing their immune system can be beneficial to producers. Minimizing the impact of disease challenges early on in an animal's life can have an effect on their ability to gain weight faster, convert feed more efficiently, and may be less likely to spread disease.

ButiPEARL® is the leading source of encapsulated butyric acid for providing targeted delivery along the GI tract. Butyric acid is an integral, short-chain fatty acid acting as an energy source for epithelial cells. This acid also supports gut health through the development of the intestinal epithelium. Butyric acid increases the expression of tight junction proteins in the intestines and increases antioxidant levels to promote healing in the GI tract.1,2

ButiPEARL® Z uses proprietary MicroPEARLS™ spray freezing technology to encapsulate two synergistic nutrients, butyric acid and zinc. Butyric acid and zinc play an important role in key biological processes affecting the health and performance of production animals like poultry. Zinc is active in many key biological processes, increases microbial diversity, and upregulates tight junction proteins in intestines.3,4

CLOSTAT® contains a proprietary strain of Bacillus subtilis PB6. This unique, naturally occurring, spore-forming microorganism has been identified and selected by Kemin to help maintain the balance of microflora in the intestinal tract of livestock and poultry. Kemin internal research has shown PB6 can inhibit Clostridium perfringens, as well as other pathogens.5

FORMYL Na is a dry feed product that can be added to poultry diets. Formic acid is widely recognized as an effective feed acidifier and antimicrobial agent and was one of the first acidifiers used to combat pathogens in poultry. Formic acid can decrease Salmonella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli prevalence in the animal, resulting in improved efficiency and profitability. FORMYL Na adds another tool to your production program and can reduce the need for chemical treatments at the processing plant.

KEM SAN® is a unique combination of effective organic acids. It has been proven to inhibit and kill a broad spectrum of pathogenic bacteria in drinking water. By reducing the pathogen load in the water, there are less challenges presented to the bird, which helps maintain gut health.

VANNIX C4 is a proprietary blend of phytogenic ingredients and a probiotic (Bacillus subtilis PB6) used to minimize the impact of enteric challenges on poultry performance. As a phytogenic feed additive, VANNIX C4 serves as a natural, cost-effective antibiotic alternative to help reduce the impact of pathogens – like Eimeria and Clostridium perfringens – on poultry intestinal integrity, thereby allowing poultry to achieve their full performance potential. 


ButiPEARL for Monogastrics
ButiPEARL Z for Monogastrics
CLOSTAT One Pager - Monogastric
KEM SAN One Pager
VANNIX C4 Broiler One Pager
Aleta Brochure
FORMYL Na Poultry Brochure



1Peng, L. et al. 2009. Butyrate Enhances the Intestinal Barrier by Facilitating Tight Junction Assembly via Activation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in Caco-2 Cell Monolayers. J. Nutr. 139:1619-1625.
2Ma, X. et al. 2012. Butyrate promotes the recovering of intestinal wound healing through its positive effect on the tight junctions. J. Anim. Sci. 90:266-268.
3Katouli, M. et al. 1999. The effect of zinc oxide supplementation on the stability of the intestinal flora with special reference to composition of coliforms in weaned pigs. J. of Applied Microbiology. 87:564-573.
4Zhang, B. et al. 2012. Zinc prevents Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium-induced loss of intestinal mucosal barrier function in broiler chickens. Avian Pathology. 41:361-367.
5Kemin Internal Document, 09-00010.

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