May I use Silage SAVOR on alfalfa haylage?
Field-wilted forages like alfalfa, which are more difficult to ensile, are better harvested too late (at low moisture) rather than too early (at high moisture).1 Harvesting at low moisture requires longer field curing, which results in more field losses. When ensiled too wet, clostridial fermentation, high butyric acid and high ammonia-nitrogen levels may develop in the silage. When weather does not cooperate, and producers choose to ensile wet alfalfa, use Silage SAVOR Plus Liquid silage preservative. When field-wilted forages are ensiled at lower moisture, they become difficult to pack and present risks of heat damage (i.e., decreased nutrient availability) and mold accumulation. On late-harvest alfalfa, again, use Silage SAVOR Plus Liquid silage preservative, the alfalfa forage preserver.