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Swine Pathogen Control Resources

Why Water Disinfection Matters to the Success of Your Swine Operation

Water is often referred to as the forgotten nutrient when it comes to raising swine. Most often water quality is an afterthought addressed only when it becomes an immediate concern. Water is the number one resource animals need to consume daily to survive. Without regular monitoring or testing of your site’s water, this leaves an open door to your biosecurity plan. Unchecked water can pose a significant risk to the health of your animals and bottom line. 

STAY VIGILANT: Pathogens Pose Risks to Swine Industry

Although there are always a variety of pathogens that threaten the health of swine in the U.S., recent years have been particularly challenging. On top of known threats such as Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv), Classical Swine Fever virus (CSFv or hog cholera) and Foot and Mouth Disease virus (FMDv), new risks are continually emerging. These challenges remind us of the importance for producers to have comprehensive biosecurity plans in place to keep pathogens out, said Scott Dee, DVM, Director of Research for Pipestone Applied Research. Biosecurity protocols include everything from vaccinations to proper ventilation and air filtration systems, and shower in/shower out to truck washes.

Water flowingDon't Let Unclean Water Rob Livestock Performance

When it comes to the performance of a production herd or flock, the source, quantity, quality and composition of water can have a major impact on how animals perform. Not only should water be available in sufficient quantities, but it should have the right balance in pH and minerals and other components in order to maximize digestive function, gut health and overall animal performance.

Stewardship of Antibiotics Begins with Improved Biosecurity

What is the stewardship of antibiotics programs on your farm? Google "stewardship of antibiotics" and you might be surprised to find most of the web-based information is related to human health care. Effective September 2014, Presidential Executive Order 13676 directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB), in consultation with the secretaries of Defense and Agriculture, on methods to combat antimicrobial resistant bacteria.

Yellow keep-out caution tapeKeeping Pathogens Out: Step 1 of a Disease Prevention Strategy

Infectious agents, or pathogens, are a threat to livestock and poultry health and even human health in some zoonotic situations. Pathogens that cause diseases also have significant economic implications, as well as negative effects on animal welfare.

Hand full of grain

Controlling Salmonella in Feed


Why is Salmonella so difficult to control? Perhaps there are two characteristics that make Salmonella such a challenge: persistence and adaptability. Salmonella can persist from months to years in a wide range of materials. As a result, Salmonella may be found nearly anywhere one wants to look.

Woman holding a pigFrom a Vet's Perspective: An Interview with Amber Stricker, DVM

Times are changing and the days of using antibiotics as the sole health management strategy are over. Now more than ever, a team approach is needed for the best animal health management. Many producers are under-utilizing their veterinarians and not fully capturing the value they can provide. Routinely working with your veterinarian to identify root causes of reoccurring health challenges and develop disease prevention strategies will pay dividends.

Image of Stop SignTaking Animal Health and Welfare to the Next Level

The production of meat, milk and eggs for human consumption is coming under increased pressure as the global human population continues to increase. Sporadic, acute disease outbreaks, caused by common pathogens or the introduction of new pathogens, increase food product costs and are risks to global nutrition.

Feed Biosecurity: Oxymoron or Global Paradigm Shift?

What a difference a few years makes! Prior to the porcine diarrhea virus (PEDV) epidemic in 2013-2014 across North America, no one seriously considered feed as a potential vehicle for pathogen transmission. However, there is now a growing body of scientific evidence strongly suggesting that feed and feed ingredients may be risk factors for the spread of PEDV at both the domestic and the global levels.

On-Farm Pathogen Control: A Priority for Today's Pig Farms

Providing safe, wholesome food is a pork producer's most important responsibility. Ensuring food safety is a complex undertaking that requires awareness of the role everyone plays in the food chain. On the farm, many factors can affect the safety of pork, which is why today's farms use a wide variety of technology and techniques to minimize food safety threats. These modern practices have vastly improved today's pork in terms of safety and quality, but improvements can always be made.

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Biosecurity at the Farm Level and the R...
Feedstuffs - Feed Seen as Wild Card in ...
Sal CURB Team Handout


VIDEO: KEM SAN® How To - Mixing


Salmonella Research Summary
Sal CURB Brochure
Information on Formaldehyde

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