Simplify sanitation and disinfection management with PRO-OXINE® AH, a high-efficacy, broad-spectrum stabilized chlorine dioxide disinfectant proven to control fungal, viral, and bacterial pathogens. PRO-OXINE AH is offered as part of an all-around service program while providing proven protection from pathogens, resulting in a healthier and more efficient herd.
Drinking water
Water is an essential, but often overlooked, nutrient in livestock farms. Poor drinking water quality can limit water intake which in turn will limit milk production, rumen function, and lead to health problems.
Pathogens can multiply safely protected within slime buildups in water lines and seep into the drinking water stream, decreasing overall water quality. Unlike flush programs, PRO-OXINE AH is continuously applied in water lines, constantly disinfecting the water supply, and consistently improving drinking water quality. This results in healthier and better performing animals.
Deck wash
The milking parlor environment is constantly exposed and contaminated with organic matter and bacterial species. Environmental pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus or Salmonella can enter and multiply in the udder causing mastitis, poor milk quality and hurt the producer’s bottom line. Boost your deck washing program with PRO-OXINE AH.
Premises & animal confinement areas
Animal confinement areas are abundant with pathogens, which have a significant role in calf diarrhea and mortality. Pathogens can reside within slime buildups and eventually escape into the environment, hurting herd health and performance. Proper cleaning and disinfection with PRO-OXINE AH is key to protect your bottom line from these profit-robbing agents.