The Impact of Consumer Value Considerations on Protein Production
Dr. David Fikes
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Kemin Intestinal Health offers the most comprehensive portfolio of high-quality and science-based nutritional ingredients to fuel the potential of livestock, poultry and equine. Our solutions support immunity, gut integrity and microbial balance, and proactively address viral, bacterial, parasitic and toxin challenges. In this way, we strengthen animals and foster a healthy and sustainable business for you – our customers.
We know that research and learning in the intestinal health space is rapidly evolving. That’s why, for four years running, we’ve brought together experts from across the poultry, swine, dairy, beef and equine industries to share cutting-edge research and insights with you!
Please enjoy these presentations and join us for future virtual and in-person Kemin Intestinal Health programming!
The Impact of Consumer Value Considerations on Protein Production
Dr. David Fikes
Poultry Drinking Water: Quality and Quantity
Dr. Susan Watkins
Gut-microbiota interactions in early life of pigs and chickens
Dr. Nadia Everaert
The Immune System, Disease Resistance, and Performance in Production Animals
Dr. Ryan Arsenault
Inflammation: An Unlikely Antagonist
Dr. Jessica Leatherwood
The Road to Better Animal Welfare and Its Impact
Dr. Jennifer Walker
Cross-Species Sustainabilty Panel
Intestinal Health from a Production System Lense
Dr. Amy Maschhoff
Nutritional Mitigation of Early Life Stress in Swine and Dairy Calves
Dr. Jay Johnson
Emerging Research on Ruminant Gut Health and Gut Tissue
Dr. Greg Penner
Determining Immunometabolic Markers of Gut Health and the Mechanism of Action for Challenges and Treatments Using Kinome and Molecular Analysis
Dr. Ryan Arsenault
Impacts of Biological Sex on Gut Development and Lifelong Disease Risk
Dr. Adam Moeser
Implications of Enteric Pathogens in Livestock
Dr. Rand Broadway
The GI Health Puzzle; Animal Performance Through Pre, Pro, & Post Biotics
Dr. Tania Cubitt
Panel Discussion | Shifting Our Mindsets: Moving from Treatment to Prevention
Dr. Luke Baldwin, Dr. Paul Ruen, Dr. Miles Theurer, Dr. Ryan Royer
Pathogen reduction and migration
Dr. Todd Callaway
Phytochemicals as antibiotic alternatives
Dr. Hyun Lillehoj
Immune response and the mucosa
Dr. Chris Chase
Interactivity of health, nutrition and microbial ecology
Dr. Tom Burkey
Health and its impact on production
Dr. Carl Heeder
Intestinal barrier repair and age dependent differences in gut health
Dr. Anthony Blikslager
Gut Health: The Other Side of Science
Mike Levengood
Microbiome, Immunity, and Intestinal Health
Ryan Dilger, Ph.D.
Microbial Endocrinology: How Evolved Intersections of Microbiology and Neurobiology Matter to Animal Health and Nutrition
Mark Lyte, Ph.D., M.S., MT (ASCP)
Mechanisms of Intestinal Repair: Lessons from a Porcine Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Model
Anthony Blikslager, Ph.D., DVM
Early Life Factors Shaping Gut Development and Lifelong Disease Risk
Adam Moeser, M.S., Ph.D., DVM
Searching for the Source of Gut-Derived Inflammation
Barry Bradford, Ph.D.
Immunology: Focus on the Mucosa
Chris Chase, M.S., Ph.D., DVM
Pathogen Reduction Panel Discussion
Dr. Clayton Johnson, Dr. Kurt Dobson and Dr. Casey Macken
Science Denial and the Future of Food
Roxi Beck
The Impact of Mycotoxins on Gut Health
Tim Evans, DVM, MS, Ph.D.
The What, Why and Physiologic Cost of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Lance Baumgard, Ph.D.
Early Life Stress Can Negatively Impact Lifetime Gut Health
Adam Moeser, DVM, MS, Ph.D.
African Swine Fever: The Role of Biosecurity
Jeroen Dewulf, Ph.D.
A Gut Feeling: Comparative Metagenomics in Veterinary and Human Health
Aaron Ericsson, DVM, Ph.D.
Antimicrobial Resistance, Livestock Production Current Landscape and Future Perspectives
Tim Johnson, Ph.D.
Managing Intestinal Health Without Antibiotics
Charles Hofacre, DVM, MAM, Ph.D.
Reducing Foodborne Pathogens Through Proper Gut Health
Michael Kogut, Ph.D.
Equine Wellness and the Microbiome: Lessons from the Equine Microbiome Project
Amy Biddle
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