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June 11, 2020
Presented by Dr. Lance Baumgard
Heat stress is an annual – and potentially very costly – issue that impacts livestock and poultry producers worldwide. The swine industry, for instance, loses between $299 and $316 million per year in profits due to heat stress. When animals are exposed to prolonged heat stress conditions, they release cortisol — a stress hormone — which can lead to reduced feed intake, reduced finishing weights and, ultimately, reduced profits.
In this webinar, Prof. Lance Baumgard, Ph.D., will provide an insightful view on the biology of heat stress, why today’s animals may be more susceptible to heat stress than generations previous, how heat stress is connected to overall gut health, as well as nutritional approaches to combatting heat stress.
Dr. Lance Baumgard grew up on a mixed livestock and row-crop farm in southwestern Minnesota. He received his B.S. and M.S. degree from the University of Minnesota and a Ph.D. from Cornell University. He joined the University of Arizona’s Animal Science and Human Nutrition departments in 2001, and then joined Iowa State University in 2009 as the Norman Jacobson Professor of Nutritional Physiology in the Department of Animal Science. Baumgard’s primary research emphasis has been on the metabolic and endocrine consequences of heat stress in growing and lactating animals. Additionally, he has been studying how intestinal barrier hyper-permeability contributes to poor farm animal performance. Further, he is interested in determining the energetic requirements of immune activation and how nutrient partitioning is homeorheticaly coordinated during an immune response. He is trying to identify nutritional strategies to improve intestinal barrier integrity in both monogastrics and ruminants.
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