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KemTRACE® Chromium Resources for Swine

Nursery Pigs

Nine Recommendations for Successful Summer Swine Production

There is never a time in swine production where producers aren’t facing challenges in some form or fashion. Many challenges – whether they are nutritional, health or management related – tend to be seasonal. Fall is typically a favorite season for many producers, lending optimized weather conditions for growth. But, hot summer temperatures bring on a distinct set of obstacles.

Feeding KemTRACE Chromium Propionate du...
Effect of Chromium Propionate Supplemen...
The Effect of Chromium Propionate on Pi...
Optimizing Nursery Performance with Chr...


KemTRACE Chromium Sow Brochure
The Effects of KemTRACE Chromium Propio...
KemTRACE Chromium Propionate Supplement...
KemTRACE Chromium for Swine Maintenance...
KemTRACE Chromium for Swine Reproductio...

Grow/Finish Pigs

Effects of chromium supplementation on ...
The effects of a combination of product...
KemTRACE Chromium for Swine Heat Stress...
Optimizing Grow-Finish Performance with...

Considerations in the Transition to Summer Diets

High summer temperatures may result in decreased voluntary feed intake and rob your pigs of the essential energy and nutrients they need for optimal growth. Read more about tips to transition to a successful summer diet.

VIDEO: Sow Production

VIDEO: Sow Reproduction

VIDEO: Swine Maintenance

VIDEO: Sow Benefits

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