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Leaky Gut Syndrome

Failure to Maintain the Gut Barrier Can Lead to Disease or Death

A healthy gastrointestinal tract (GIT) provides a barrier that prevents toxins in feeds or pathogens in the digestive tract from passing into the blood stream.  When this barrier is damaged due to stress from disease, training or travel, those harmful substances can enter into your horse’s system – leading to disease or death. The best way to prevent leaky gut syndrome (LGS) or to heal a leaky gut is through good nutrition and attention to gut health.

ButiPEARL Z EQ is the first product of its kind on the market providing two important nutrients, butyric acid (butyrate) and zinc, throughout the GIT in your horse. These two nutrients help to strengthen the tight junctions that maintain the GIT barrier and support your horse's immune system.

To learn more about how the butyric acid and zinc in ButiPEARL Z EQ can strengthen the GIT barrier in your horse, watch the video or download our resources.

Click here to find out if your feed has ButiPEARL Z EQ in it.

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Equine Gastrointestinal Research Updates

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