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Presented by Colin Cargill
Diseases vary between countries or even regions within a country. However, disease is always a major risk to pig production. We know that we can mitigate the impact of disease in some cases with proper management. But what is the full effect that management – particularly, stress management – has on the challenge posed by disease? Pigs that are stressed are less able to combat infection, especially from respiratory challenges, thus increasing the need to use antibiotics, the demand for key amino acids, and the cost of diets.
In this webinar, Colin Cargill BVSc, MS, PhD, will shed light on the complete picture of pig health based on his long research career on that very topic. Exploring why pigs become sick and why some animals succumb to disease involves three major factors. Stress is one of these factors. Professor Cargill will elaborate on various types of stress, including environmental stress, nutritional stress and social stress. This webinar will focus on the environmental stress pigs experience in modern pig production, for example, bioaerosols.
Ultimately, reducing environmental stress – along with reducing nutritional and social stress – will lead to greater efficiency and profitability for every pork producer.
Colin Cargill BVSc, MS, PhD, was a Research Consultant with the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and the Livestock Systems Alliance (LSA) at the Roseworthy Campus of the Univerisity of Adelaide from 1992 to 2002. His research and teaching specialized in animal production, health and welfare, especially risk factors related to herd health. He led a number of successful research and development projects for the Australian Pig Industry between 1992 and 2002.
After retiring from SARDI and the LSA in 2002, he worked with the Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR) managing research and development projects designed to improve human health and animal health and production. The projects also aimed to increase food security and alleviate rural poverty in Asia and the Pacific. He led, or was involved in, several projects in Indonesia, Tonga, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Laos and the Philippines.
Between 2005 and 2015 he maintained an interest in pig production, health and welfare as a consultant for a pig health and production service based in Gawler South Australia.
He continues to mentor young veterinarians and animal scientists, especially in Timor-Leste and Indonesia, and is the honorary project manager for Fulcrum Aid, which has rural aid projects in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
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