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The Industry Leader In Mould Inhibition

It is estimated that 10% of all feed used in the global food chain is wasted. This translates into significant financial loss and waste of valuable and already scarce feed materials.

Feed loss during storage is one of the primary drivers of waste. These losses are caused by mould as well as insect, mite and rodent damage.

Significant investment in storage, packaging facilities and maintenance is required, to ensure optimal storage practices and limit this damage. While some of this risk can be mitigated, many environmental and storage conditions cannot be controlled and cause persistent and varied challenges, that require ongoing management.

Myco CURB® mould inhibitor

At Kemin, our passion is to transform lives, by creating comprehensive solutions to global challenges. To this end, we have developed a range of solutions to reduce feed waste. Our Myco CURB mould inhibitor products are industry leaders in this field. By aggressively reducing mould infections in stored feed, we can preserve feed for longer and dramatically reduce wastage.