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Dry matter intake (DMI) is fundamentally important in nutrition because it establishes the amount of nutrients available to an animal for health and production. There are three blocks which are mainly responsible for drop in DMI, feeding environment, metabolic feedback & physical fill. As a dairy nutritionist removing all three blocks are essential.
The thermal neutral zone of dairy cattle is around 25oC in India, but varies among animals. Temperature below or above the thermal neutral range alter intake & metabolic activity. A rise in ambient temperature neutral zone decreases milk production of reduced DMI (Dry matter intake). Other stress factor like transition period, change of diet, transportation and housing can result in decreased feed intake, suboptimal digestion and poor utilization of nutrients.
When absorption of nutrient, principally protein & energy exceeds requirement or when ratio of nutrient absorbed is incorrect, negative feedback impact on DMI. Neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) be used to define the upper & lower bound of DMI. At high NDF concentration energy intake feedback inhibitors limit DMI. As per NRC 2001, ideal NDF is 25 percentage.
Feed low in digestibility are thought to place constraints on DMI because of their slow clearance from the rumen & passage thoroughly the digestive tract. Low of digestion is considered the primary dietary constraint associated with the fill effect.
YePlusTM+ is highly potent DMI enhancer consisting of viable active dry yeast (Saccharomyces cervices SC 1407) and organic chromium in form of chromium propionate. YePlusTM+ improves DMI by removing all three blocks i.e. non-nutrient factors, metabolic feedback and physical fill. YePlusTM+ contains rumen specific yeast cell (SC 1407) that triggers the growth of cellulose-digesting and lactic acid utilizing bacteria.
The microbial eco-system of the rumen is dynamic. The eco-system is dynamic as the microbial population changes considerably on change of diet to adapt it to the new feed ingredients. The rumen microbes are adapted to survive in a set of ruminal ecosystem i.e. anaerobiosis, high buffering capacity and osmotic pressure and saprophytic competition among the microbes for their survival.
Ruminants in India are fed mainly on lignocellulosic agricultural by-products which are rich in cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, starch and protein. The rumen harbours various types of bacteria which are active in degradation of these components of the feed. The interaction among themselves and with other microbial groups in the rumen are also responsible for synergistic effect on the production of volatile fatty acids and microbial proteins in the rumen.
There are some common features of bacteria found in the rumen of animals fed on high roughage diet. Growth of bacteria in rumen requires an optimum pH 6.0-6.9 and optimum temperature around 39-degree centigrade. Most of the bacteria are obligate anaerobes. Some of them are so sensitive to oxygen that these are killed on exposure to oxygen. A few rumen bacteria require a very low redox potential (indicating a high degree of anaerobiosis) and grow at a redox potential lower than –350 mV.
There is positive correlation of supplementation of YePlus+ with fiber digestion. YePlus+ has an impressive result in DMI by improving digestion of fiber, as neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ). Better digestion of fiber are thought to remove block of DMI because of their fast clearance from the rumen and passage through the digestive tract. With increase in fiber digestion, improvement in amount of volatile fatty acids production occurs too.
YePlus+ improves in microbial protein production by stimulating growth of lactic acid utilizing bacteria. Increase in count of lactic acid utilizing bacteria results into stabilizing optimum pH 6.0- 6.9 in rumen. By stabilizing the pH in rumen YePlus+ removes block of metabolic feedback.
Non-nutrient factors like heat stress and transition period negatively impact sensitivity of insulin and subsequently leads to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia causes lipolysis which has detrimental impact on dry matter intake. Chromium increases sensitivity insulin and improves glucose uptake in peripheral tissue. Improved uptake of glucose would lead to a reduction in the rate of mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue which may allow higher feed intake. YePlus+ contains trivalent chromium propionate, which is highly effective in removing the block of non-nutrient factor.
YePlus+ is highly efficient in overcoming of all three important blocks of higher dry matter intake i.e. non-nutrient factor, metabolic feedback and physical fills. YePlus+ ensures a better productivity of dairy animals by improving dry matter intake of dairy animals.
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