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Feed Processing and Feed Safety

Feed Safety

Feed safety is vital to ensure food safety and human wellbeing. As consumption of animal-based protein is expected to rise by 70 % in 2050, it will require for more feed to be produced. It is a necessity to ensure feed safety to ensure sustainable production of animal proteins. 

Maintain Feed Value with Kemin Solutions

Feed safety not only ensures food safety and human health but also is an essential component to economic sustainability, international trade etc. Due to its high impact on animal and public health, it becomes a shared responsibility of all the partners in feed and food chain to ensure proper handling, storage and transport of the raw materials. Feed safety is threatened by any hazard of biological (like bacteria, parasites, prions, viruses), chemical (like heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins etc.) and physical (radionuclides, residues of nanomaterials, micro- and Nano-plastics) origin.

Feed Safety Solutions

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