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Enzyme Solutions

Improving the utilization of available feed, raw materials will be the prime source to meet the growing global demand for protein sources. Availability and pricing of conventional feed raw material will push the use of more alternate raw materials soon. However, the unconventional feed ingredients have anti-nutritive factors, which reduce ingredient digestibility as well as nutrient availability of the entire diet.

As a leading player in enzymes, Kemin solutions help you to increase nutrient retention, turn down anti-nutritional factors, and reduce raw material variation. Hence animal production requires fewer nutrients and fewer natural resources.

Enzyme specific investment in fermentation facilities, coating technology, and nutritional laboratory services enable us to provide novel solutions aimed towards improvement in FCR, feed cost optimization & animal welfare.

With R&D expertise spread over 3 continents, we strive to sustainably transform the quality of life every day for 80 percent of the world with our products and services.

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