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Aleta™ Means Immune Response

Aleta™ is a  highly bioavailable immunomodulator offering a high and consistent concentration of linear Beta 1,3 Glucan to improve immunity and animal performance. Aleta provides a consistent ROI in situations of disease and stress, especially in situations that are typically addressed with antibiotics.

Unlike yeast products - which contain only 5 to 15 percent Beta Glucan and require extraction from an indigestible cell wall - Aleta is produced from a unique alga (Euglena gracilis) containing a high concentration of linear Beta Glucan. These algal cells are highly digestible, making Aleta’s Beta Glucan bioavailable without extraction.

How Aleta Works

Aleta has a clear mode of action at the molecular level of the active ingredient. In contrast, many different components of competitive products have less clear modes of action.


Aleta Features

  • Higher concentration compared to yeast based Beta Glucan
  • Linear 1,3 Beta Glucan from algae has much superior immune response compared with 1,6 Beta Glucan of yeast derived
  • Standardized and quantifiable Beta Glucan
  • Highly bioavailable Beta Glucan
  • More consistent immunomodulator activity
  • Safe product (no dioxin, ionophore contamination) 

Aleta Benefits

  • Improves immunity
  • Helps animal to resist disease
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Increase production performance parameters
    • Feed conversion ratio
    • Body weight  
    • Reduction in mortality
  • Improves gut health
  • Reduces heat stress and other stress

For more information, contact your nearest Kemin representative or email us at

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