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Proteus® — Functional Proteins

A Functional Protein that Delivers More than Yield Enhancement

Protues® is a functional protein that has been shown to help increase moisture retention and improve yield in meat and poultry products, without negatively impacting sensory attributes.

When consumers bite into meat and poultry products they expect it to be juicy and flavorful. One of the largest hurdles meat manufacturers face is ensuring the quality attributes of their products can withstand abusive cooking techniques within food service settings or at home. 


Features and Benefits of Proteus Functional Proteins


Typical Applications

  • Bacon
  • Comminuted   
  • Deli Meat
  • Fresh or Frozen
  • Jerky & Snack Sticks
  • Meatballs


  • Improved bite and natural texture
  • Increased yields
  • Reduced purge
  • Longer holding times
  • Increased moisture retention


  • Allergen Free
  • Reduced sodium compared to Phosphates
  • Derived from animal protein

How Proteus Helps Increase Moisture Retention

Muscle proteins in meat and poultry are large, highly structured molecules that prevent them from interacting with water or other proteins. Our patented technology, Proteus, expands the protein structure to expose natural water or protein binding sites that were previously hidden, allowing for increased moisture retention.

Proteus gives meat and poultry processors the ability to retain moisture with label-friendly solutions as an alternative to using high levels of salt or chemical additives such as phosphates.

Clean Up Labels and Improve Yield

Compared to phosphates or other additives, Proteus can provide a juicier product with a natural taste, appearance, and feel. Proteus also provides increased cook yields with reduced sodium contribution as compared to sodium phosphates or high levels of salt. Proteus is allergen free, making it a great alternative to traditional fillers that are often labeled allergens, such as soy.

Improve Battered, Breaded, and Fried Food with InnoBLQ™

InnoBLQ™ is a functional protein that helps improve breading adhesion, increase moisture retention, and reduce oil uptake in battered, breaded, and fried foods. InnoBLQ can also help increase yield and throughput, all with a clean label. 

For Battered, Breaded, and Fried Foods

Regulatory compliance varies by region. Consult with your regulatory representative for specific applications and labeling.

Request a Sample

See how Proteus can help improve your meat and poultry products, contact us to request a sample.