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Protect Your Food Products Textural Quality

When it comes to food, textural quality is key. Whether it’s texture, appearance, or taste, the quality of your product is what helps to create brand loyalty. Texture plays a big role in consumer perception of the quality of food. Making sure your product meets the desired shelf life, sensory, and textural attributes is where Kemin comes in.

Textural Quality Solutions for Tortillas

Our premixes and complete batch packs can give you the formulation and processing flexibility you need. As labor challenges and raw material uncertainties continue to impact manufacturers, our solutions can help reduce the amount of handling and weighing of ingredients.

Batch pack solutions

Enzyme gum blends for corn tortillas


Textural Quality Solutions for Baked Goods

Enzymes and emulsifiers act as dough conditioners and strengtheners in your baked goods. Dough conditioners help to improve many qualities in your baked goods from the production handling to the consistency of the dough to the crumb consistency and chewy texture. 


A blend of enzymes that helps to improve the softness and shelf life of breads, pastries, and more.


A dough conditioner blend that helps improve the machinability of dough.

Meet Consumer Textural Quality Demands

The desired texture of a food can be subjective based on the consumer’s preference. As a manufacturer, your product must meet their expectations each and every time. Watch the video to see how Kemin can help.

Texture Degradation

Many factors lead to textural degradation in baked goods. One factor is the amount of moisture in the product. The increase in water activity levels in products like tortillas can lead to mold growth. However, not enough moisture in the product can lead to dry, crumbly, or hard products.

Achieving the appropriate moisture level is crucial to meeting the shelf life and quality of your product. Another critical factor is the chemical and enzymatic activity that occurs throughout the processing, baking, and shelf life of the product. Over time, these reactions can cause quality issues within the dough and lead to texture, color, flavor, and odor degradation in the final product.

At Kemin, we work with you to help create the ideal formulation to meet a variety of processing demands including flexibility and machinability of dough, as well as textural quality over the entire shelf life of the final product.

Create Your Ideal Texture with Help from Kemin

Kemin formulation experts will work with you to help determine the best mix of solutions and processing conditions for your individual products. Minor ingredients can do major things in formulation, it is important to review the entire formulation and how various ingredients work together to determine the optimal blend to achieve your goals.

Our Bakery Innovation Center and technical experts can help you solve your bakery and tortilla challenges. With in-depth knowledge of ingredient functionality, as well as resources that bridge the gap between bench-top and commercial production, our team can help solve your challenges.

Partner with Kemin to Achieve Your Textural Quality Goals