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Find Your Best Solution with Our Digital Tools

Virtual Shelf

Browse our online virtual shelf experience to see Kemin solutions in real life applications and get access to research and downloads.

Our ingredient solutions are designed to help keep a variety of snacks, baked goods, and meats fresher for longer.

Meat Optimization Tool

Many decisions go into deciding the best product for your meat and poultry challenges including, label claims, application type, and concerns. Our simple four-step quiz can help you find the best solution.

Flour Tortilla Doctor

Our tortilla doctor tool helps you ask important questions when it comes to challenges in tortillas and formulation. Answer a few simple questions about your tortillas and see what you can do to improve your products! 

Meat Color Protection Tool

This interactive tool helps you see the effect our color and flavor solutions have on ground beef. Compare our best solutions to see how they can help improve the shelf life of your meat and poultry products.