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Bakery manufacturers face many challenges when bringing products to market. Consumers expect their baked goods to be fresh and appealing throughout their shelf life, and they demand clean labels. At Kemin, we help bakery manufacturers meet these challenges with our range of enzymes, dough conditioners, and mold inhibitors. Explore our wide range of solutions.
is a clean label mold inhibitor that can help delay or prevent mold growth in flour tortillas, baked goods, sauces, and dressings. This new clean label solution is a blend of buffered vinegar and botanical extract.
A blend of enzymes that helps to improve the softness and shelf life of breads, pastries, and more.
Dough conditioner blends that helps improve the machinability of dough. Available in clean label options.
Enzymes and emulsifiers act as dough conditioners and strengtheners in your baked goods. Dough conditioners help to improve many qualities in your baked goods from the production handling to the consistency of the dough to the crumb consistency and chewy texture.
Kemin formulation experts will work with you to help determine the best mix of solutions and processing conditions for your products. Minor ingredients can do major things in formulation, it is important to review the entire formulation and how various ingredients work together to determine the optimal blend to achieve your goals.
Our Bakery Innovation Center and technical experts can help you solve your bakery challenges. With in-depth knowledge of ingredient functionality, as well as resources that bridge the gap between bench-top and commercial production, our team can help solve your challenges.
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Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims may differ based upon government requirements.