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For Better Feed Mill Efficiency and Feed Quality






What is millSMART™?

millSMART™ is an innovative program designed to improve the feed mill’s 4Ps

  • Processes
  • Productivity
  • Pellet Quality
  • Profitability



millSMART™ - A Preconditioning Process

millSMART™ works as a preconditioning process to optimize the mash feed and to achieve its target moisture level for optimal pellet feed milling. 

During this process, a preconditioning solution is prepared by mixing millSMART™ Milling Aid and water. This preconditioning solution is subsequently added into the mixer to optimize the mash feed. Kemin has a range of milling aids for different application needs.


Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing where the preconditioning process is being implemented.

Benefits of millSMART™

  • Increases feed throughput
  • Reduces energy input in pelleting
  • Enhances pellet durability and feed digestibility
  • Minimizes moisture loss and feed shrinkage, achieving target feed moisture level
  • Safeguards feed from mold
  • Homogenizes and promotes uniform distribution of water and oil-based liquids in the feed
  • Reduces the production cost

Figure 2. Schematic diagram showing how the preconditioning process is carried out.

Meta Data Analysis

A meta-analysis was done on a total 85 field trials across the globe on different diet formulations formulated for different animal species at various growth phases.

The meta-analysis showed consistent positive financial returns were achieved through 3 key aspects:

  • Improved feed weight
  • Energy saving during pelleting
  • Improved feed throughput





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