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KemTRACE® Chromium for Dairy Cattle
Insulin plays a key role in optimum cell function by acting as a "key" in the lock to the door that allows glucose into the cell. Once insulin has "unlocked the door," blood glucose can enter the cell and be used as an energy source. Chromium improves insulin function and results in efficient clearance of glucose from the bloodstream.1
Upon activation, immune cells become obligate glucose utilizers.3 Increased glucose uptake may help animals mount an immune response even under a severe immune challenge–such as heat stress.
Research studies, designed to test the effect of chromium on milk yield under heat stress conditions, have shown cows supplemented with chromium have increased dry matter intake and yield more milk than control cows.4
Chromium supplementation has been shown to improve energy utilization and reduce the impact of negative energy balance in early lactation.2
Chromium supplementation has been shown to reduce insulin resistance in dairy cows in early lactation.2 Studies with chromium have also shown its ability to reduce subclinical metritis,5 improve conception rates and pregnancy rates,6 reduce days to first service, and increase the number of viable oocytes in cows supplemented with high-energy diets.7
Chromium has been shown to alter insulin action and either increase dry matter intake, or minimize a drop of feed intake among animals subject to stress.8,9,10
The dietary trace element, chromium, is necessary to optimize the activation of the insulin receptor so more glucose can get into the cell. Adding supplemental KemTRACE® Chromium to the diet provides the additional chromium for insulin receptor activation. Chromium enhances this reaction, causing glucose transporter activation, allowing additional glucose to enter the cell. The additional glucose will allow for more energy to be available for proper cell function.
1Mertz, W. 1992. Chromium: History and nutritional importance. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 32:3-8.
2Hayirli et al., 2001. J. Dairy Sci. 84:1218-1230.
3Palsson-McDermott, E. M., and L. A. O'Neill. 2013. BioEssays. 35:965-973.
4Kemin Internal Document, 15-00066.
5Yasui, T., et al., 2014. J. Dairy Sci. 97:1-11.
6Ferguson et al., 2013. J. Dairy Sci. 96(E-Supplement):127.
7Leiva, T., R. F. Cooke, A. P. Brandão, A. C. Aboin, J. Ranches, and J. L. M. Vasconcelos. 2015. Livest. Sci. 180:121-128.
8Y. Al-Saiady, M. & Alishaikh, Mohammed & Al-Mufarrej, Saud & A. Al-Showeimi, T. & Mogawer, Hassan Hosny & Dirrar, A. (2004). Animal Feed Science and Technology - ANIM FEED SCI TECH. 117:223-233. 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2004.07.008.
9An-Qiang, L., W. Zhi-Sheng, and Z. An-Gup. 2009. Pak. J. Nutr. 8:940-945.
10Vargas-Rodriguez, C. F., K. Yuan, E. C. Titgemeyer, L. K. Mamedova, K. E. Griswold, and B. J. Bradford. 2014. J. Dairy Sci. 97:3815-3821.
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