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Gut Health Solutions for Poultry

Maintaining gut health in poultry is essential to raising top performing birds. When properly managed, good gut health in poultry empowers birds to fight off disease. However, managing broiler gut health has been a challenge in recent years as poultry producers face tremendous consumer pressure to reduce antibiotic use. This movement comes from the public's growing concern that antibiotic use in meat production will result in antibiotic resistance in humans. Producing top-quality poultry and eggs at consumer-friendly prices, without the support of antibiotics, creates a huge challenge, but it can be done. 

Major Challenges that Impact Poultry Gut Health

  • Coccidiosis
  • Clostridia
  • Necrotic enteritis
Poultry Gut Health One Pager

Over the years, Kemin has created antibiotic-free gut health solutions for poultry by researching beneficial bacteria and optimized feed efficiency methods. So how does it work? Improving broiler gut health involves a combined focus of the structural integrity of the intestine, the healthy balance of microflora and the status of the immune system. Each of these elements are interconnected. 

Intestinal Integrity—A Barrier of Protection

Intestinal integrity is all about maintaining the strength of the intestinal barrier in order to maximize nutrient absorption within the bird. The intestinal barrier is made up of a layer of epithelial cells, preventing harmful pathogens and toxins from entering the system (i.e., leaky gut), and is critical for fluid and electrolyte secretion. Since it is regularly exposed to up to 10 trillion microorganisms, it's important to keep this barrier functioning properly.

Balancing Microbiota—Diversity Results in Immunity

Balancing microbiota when managing broiler gut health means to diversify the complex community of microorganisms living in the digestive tract of broilers. This exposure to beneficial bacteria, microflora and microbes promotes a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract by stimulating the immune system and protecting against pathogens. 

The Immune System—The Champion of Challenges

Up to 70 percent of an animal's immune response resides in the GI tract. So, supporting immune functions will help poultry respond to challenges like disease and inflammation. By supporting tight junctions, or multi-protein cells that tightly bind the epithelial cells within the stomach lining, the immunity response of animals can be improved. The breakdown of the intestinal barrier results in losses of animal production and efficiency.

Gut Health Begins at Hatch

Kemin knows from its years of research in improving broiler gut health that the first bacteria introduced to a chick originates from the parent, so steps to control gut health should start at the parent flock level. Creating an environment of healthy bacteria will carry on to subsequent flocks, producing a cumulative benefit for bird health and productivity alike. To support these strategies, Kemin has created a line of gut health solutions for poultry to help protect each element of gut health. 

Kemin Gut Health Solutions for Poultry

Ammo CURB® 85 is a low-cost feed preservative for processed feed ingredients, complete animal feeds and total mixed rations (TMR). It may be added directly to complete feed, feed ingredients and TMR to help maintain stability during short-term storage.

CURB® AF is a formaldehyde solution that maintains quality of complete feed and ingredients.

CURB® RM Extra is a blend of formaldehyde and propionic acid designed to protect feed and feed ingredients from mold development.

ENDOX® was formulated specifically to protect finished feeds by safeguarding fat-soluble vitamins against degradation, protecting complete feeds from fat oxidation, vitamin loss and more.

FORMYL is a free-flowing micro-encapsulated source of formic and citric acid. Formic acid, which helps reduce GI tract pH while reducing bacterial contamination.   

KALLSIL reduces caking in swine feed by absorbing moisture. This results in improved flow in feed ingredients to prevent feed from hanging to the sides of the bins or feeders.

KemTRACE® Chromium — the first product of its kind on the market— is a safe, proven trace mineral. This highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium propionate helps to reduce the negative effects of stress and improve glucose utilization.

Myco CURB® is a mold inhibitor for feed, formulated to inhibit mold growth in processed feed ingredients, complete feed and TMR. Myco CURB contains propionic acid blended with sorbic and benzoic acids and is buffered for improved equipment and employee safety.

RENDOX® stabilizes animal fats and protein meals during the rendering process with antioxidants to maintain product freshness, protect product quality, and increase product shelf life.

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