*Compared to control. ND - No difference from control.
**Adjusted weights and FCR.
Study 1: Vignale, K., D. Koltes, J.Weil, S. West, S. Weimer, V. Iseri, K. Christensen. 2017. The effect of chromium propionate on performance responses in heat stressed male broiler chickens. 2017 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA. Abstract T181, page 53.
Study 2: Lester, T., K. Brown, C. Eagleson, V. Iseri, J. Lee. 2017. Evaluation of chromium propionate on broiler growth performance and processing yields. Journal of Poultry Science 96 (E-suppl. 1): 188.
Study 3: Kemin Internal Document, 18-00003.
Study 4: Lester, T., K. Brown, K. Vignale, C. Alvarado, J. Lee. 2018. Evaluation of chromium propionate and a butyric acid complex on male growth performance, corticosterone level and meat yield. 2018 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, Georgia. Abstract M86, pg. 26.
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