- Cereals
- Lard
- Marine Oils
- Mayonnaise
- Meat and Poultry
- Nuts
- Salad Dressing
- Spices
- Vegetable Oils
You are viewing Sub-Saharan Africa
The EN-FORT product line allows food manufacturers to label rosemary as an antioxidant as it meets the E392 specifications. This rosemary extract is available in both dry and liquid (oil soluble and water dispersible) forms. EN-FORT guarantees that food products maintain their freshness, so that manufacturers can guarantee premium food products of the highest quality.
Sustainably grown rosemary extract
Kemin is one of the largest producers of sustainably grown rosemary extract (certified by SCS Global Services). The proprietary rosemary extraction process delivers a highly refined, homogeneous solution that offers a more consistent extract. With EN-FORT, Kemin guarantees the highest consistency and value due to the complete vertical integration combined with advanced plant selection and manufacturing processes.
Food applications EN-FORT
Disclaimer: Product allowance and labelling may differ based upon government requirements. Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions.
© Kemin Industries, Inc. and its group of companies all rights reserved. ® ™ Trademarks of Kemin Industries, Inc., USA
Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims may differ based upon government requirements.