Product Overview
MEVAC™ ND HB1 is a live-attenuated monovalent freeze-dried vaccine for immunization against Newcastle Disease virus GII Hitchner B1 (ME/NDV1).
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MEVAC™ ND HB1 is a live-attenuated monovalent freeze-dried vaccine for immunization against Newcastle Disease virus GII Hitchner B1 (ME/NDV1).
Respiratory diseases are among the most devastating diseases in poultry industry and are, in most cases, the result of more than one pathogen involved. Among several avian viruses with tropism of the respiratory tract, Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) is one of the most important viruses of poultry worldwide.1
Due to the single stranded nature of the genome, the ND virus can evolve rapidly, leading to high genetic variability in circulating virus strains. NDV can severely affects poultry birds of all ages and breeds, while other major respiratory pathogen, such as Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), is more severe in young chicks.2
The immunology of domestic birds has been well studied and numerous vaccines have been developed against NDV. Most of these vaccines are either live attenuated vaccines or inactivated vaccines. Live vaccines are intended to prime immunity while the inactivated vaccines are designed to boost humoral response initially triggered with the live vaccines.2
Using various strategies such as combination of live attenuated and inactivated vaccines will lead to effective programs that contribute to food security and the economic development of many countries on a global scale.2
For active immunization of commercial chickens to reduce mortality and clinical signs associated with Newcastle Disease.
Birds can be vaccinated from first day of age onwards in endemic areas, as per advice from your poultry veterinarian.
Zero days.
The vaccine should be administered via the eye drop, spray, or drinking water routes.
MEVAC™ ND HB1 is packed and presented in vials containing a lyophilisate pellet for reconstitution (1000, 2500, 5000 doses).
1. Malik YS, Patnayak DP, Goyal SM. Detection of three avian respiratory viruses by single-tube multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2004.
2. Ike et al 2021. Towards Improved Use of Vaccination in the Control of Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease in Poultry: Understanding the Immunological Mechanisms. Vaccines 2021, 9(1), 20;
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