What label claims are consumers asking for in the marketplace?
Here are some examples:
- gluten free
- clean label
- no artificial colors
- free from allergens
- made from real...
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A sizeable percentage of consumers rely on ingredient information and label claims to make their food and beverage purchasing decisions, as shown in a grocery shoppers’ survey*, where:
As consumers demand more clean label food options, manufacturers are removing synthetic ingredients from their products, potentially putting their shelf life—and therefore, their brand—at risk. When reformulating to remove undesirable ingredients, there is no need to sacrifice shelf life to meet your label goals. Don’t remove functional ingredients without a successful replacement—rely on Kemin to recommend an ingredient that will achieve the shelf life, taste and appearance which will appeal to your consumers.
Kemin can help you meet your shelf-life goals with our label-friendly, consumer-friendly ingredients that also support clean label claims. With our expertise and extensive portfolio of shelf-life solutions, you can achieve ‘claimability’ that give consumers what they are looking for. You can rely on Kemin to recommend an ingredient that will achieve the shelf life, taste and look of your current product, whether you want to claim ‘low sodium’ in your meat or poultry product or ‘free from TBHQ’ in your bakery or snack product.
We help you achieve your marketing objectives while maintaining quality and your brand equity, so you don’t sacrifice shelf life. Not only do we use our formulation expertise to help you maintain safety and freshness that meets your desired claim, we help you with ingredient sourcing, handling, processing, and delivery. It’s a whole new world of claims out there, and we help you navigate it to reach your destination.
Our CLS team provides dedicated support throughout all phases of shelf-life testing. They use a combination of analytical techniques and accelerated oxidation tests to demonstrate product performance and test our ingredients, so you can be confident that your requirements are met—and that your product is as appealing as ever. It’s all a part of helping you meet your label claim goals without sacrificing shelf life
*Source: This survey was conducted online in the U.S. by Harris Poll on behalf of Kemin Industries, Inc. between July 25 and August 1, 2016. The research was conducted among 1,006 U.S. adults aged 18+ who are the primary grocery shoppers for their household (“grocery shoppers”).
© Kemin Industries, Inc. and its group of companies all rights reserved. ® ™ Trademarks of Kemin Industries, Inc., USA
Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims may differ based upon government requirements