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Nowadays, consumers are demanding natural food products without artificial ingredients. NaturCEASE Dry helps meat manufacturers to better meet this growing demand to naturalness and transparency. 


NaturCEASE Dry is a powerful combination of buffered vinegar and natural plant extracts. The food safety ingredient protects processed meat products against meat spoilage. As an additional benefit, the  label-friendly blend helps to maintain a bright red colour and fresh flavour.    

A label-friendly solution preventing meat spoilage

Meat spoilage includes two different categories: oxidative rancidity and microbial spoilage. Oxidation causes colour degradation and flavour issues while microbial contamination has a major impact on food safety, and cause sensory dislike. NaturCEASE Dry offers the dual protection: curb lipid oxidation and protect against spoilage bacteria. 

Colour and flavour protection

With NaturCEASE Dry, processed meat products maintain a bright red colour and fresh flavour. It’s a one-stop solution that offers a total freshness package reflected in one blend. Therefore, it provides the needed convenience and user-friendliness to meat manufacturers. 

NaturCEASE Dry applications

NaturCEASE Dry is a dry label-friendly ingredient. This makes it easy to add into a spice mix for processed meat products like sausages, burgers and deli-meats.

NaturCEASE Dry in action

Let's see our product in action during an experiment. Over the course of 8 days, we've examined raw minced beef samples treated with sodium lactate and acetate, and last but not least with NaturCEASE Dry. Not only we see a mild to strong discolouration, untreated minced beef is completely rancid and not safe for consumption, and also the effect of sodium lactate and acetate has wore off after 8 days, while NaturCEASE Dry continues to offer protection in terms of taste, colour and safety!


Disclaimer: Product allowance and labelling may differ based upon government requirements. Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions.