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The Secret Weapon in Your Meat Processing Arsenal: Functional Blends

Posted June 03, 2024

Imagine this: you're a passionate emulsified sausage maker, striving to create the perfect product. You've sourced the finest cuts of meat, meticulously measured spices, and followed your recipe to a tee. Yet, something is missing. The texture isn't quite right, the flavour lacks depth, or the yield just doesn't meet your expectations. You spend hours experimenting, tweaking ratios and adding pinches of this and dashes of that, hoping to achieve a masterpiece.

This was the reality for many meat processors before the arrival of functional blends. These pre-measured combinations of high-quality ingredients are like a secret weapon in your arsenal, offering a solution to many common challenges faced in meat processing.

Functional Blends for Meat Processing

Blends for Texturing:

Craving that perfect bite? Functional blends offer a range of texturizers, whether you desire a firm snap in your sausages or a smooth, homogenous texture for your mortadella. Consistency is key, and these blends are your secret to achieving it every single time.


Blends for Meat Injection:

Looking to elevate your product and stand out from the crowd? Functional blends come alive with a variety of flavour profiles. Infuse your creations with smoky notes, savory sensations, or a touch of spice. The possibilities are endless, and every blend is designed to create signature flavours that will keep customers coming back for more.

Texture fried food

The Power of Efficiency and Quality

The beauty of functional blends lies not just in their impact on the final product, but in their ability to streamline your entire production process:

  • Reduced Waste: Pre-measured blends eliminate the risk of incorrect dosing and ensure you're using the right amount of each component, minimizing waste and maximizing yield. This translates to significant cost savings in the long run.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: No more time wasted meticulously measuring and combining individual ingredients. Functional blends allow you to focus on other critical tasks, boosting your overall production efficiency.
  • Consistent Quality: With pre-measured blends, you can achieve consistent results every batch, ensuring your customers experience the same deliciousness with every bite. This builds trust and loyalty, solidifying your brand reputation.

A World of Possibilities Beyond the Sausage

While functional blends are perfect for sausages, their applications extend far beyond. Kemin offers a wide range of blends specifically designed for cooked hams, salami, emulsified products, gastronomy, and ready meals. Whether you're a seasoned sausage maker or a master of different meat applications, there's a functional blend waiting to revolutionize your production process.

Unleashing Your Potential

At Kemin, we're more than just a supplier; we're your partner in success. We understand the unique challenges faced in meat processing and are dedicated to providing innovative solutions like functional blends to empower you. Don't settle for just good enough; unlock the full potential of your meat processing with our game-changing solutions. Moreover, we offer Tailor-Made Application Services, to empower you to optimize your food production for any ingredient, dry or liquid.

Ready to craft your masterpiece?

Explore our dedicated sections on different meat applications or contact our meat processing experts today. Let Kemin Food Technologies EMEA be your secret weapon for efficiency, quality, and unforgettable flavour.


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