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Employee in the spotlight: Stefano Fontana

Posted October 05, 2022

We love to present Stefano Fontana, our freshly joined Technical Sales Manager. You can best describe Stefano as a Swiss army knife! He’s been active in different segments of the food industry before joining the Kemin family. So, he knows the food sector from several different angles. When faced with challenges he grabs the bull by the horns to overcome them for his clients. Continuous personal growth is of great value to Stefano. A value held in high regard at Kemin, so we’re already sure he’ll fit right into our family! 

Employee in the spotlight: Stefano Montana



Name: Stefano Fontana

Nationality: Italian

Job title: Technical Sales Manager Italy



Tell about your job at Kemin: what does it involve?

I have always been involved in sales jobs linked to the food industry, but within different sectors: scientific instruments, lab analyses and the food certification market. 

I love working in the food industry, because it is a very challenging environment. There are lots of regulations, for example, on food safety and labels on food. Which is important, food needs to be safe to consume. In my previous jobs I’ve already had my share in dealing with Quality Control and Quality Assurance as well as working closely with lab managers. With my new job at Kemin now I work closely together with R&D manager, so I’m very exited to expand my work experience. 


What responsibilities do you have?

I connect the dots between the R&D manager and our clients. It’s my duty to recognize and take care of the needs of our clients and prospects. My mission is to help our customers reaching their goals in keeping food products fresh, safe and as tasty as possible. Sometimes this requires thinking out-of-the box, but that’s a challenge I don’t mind at all. 


Kemin is a huge global company, with a local approach. What do you like best about your employer?

What I value most is the possibility to continuously improve myself! Kemin cares about learning and growth, both professionally as personally. So, they create opportunities to become the best version of yourself. Another aspect I really love about my job is the freedom we get to achieve our goals. I can act in an autonomous way to reach my targets. This trust is of great value to me. 


What’s your favourite Kemin segment or product? 

I’m very passionate about the natural antioxidants and antimicrobials we develop. Keeping food safe and extending the shelf-life is an important topic in our business. The fact that we do so with natural alternatives, is impressive. Take RUBINITE™, our solution to replace nitrites in emulsified cooked meat products, is a textbook case of what I love to promote. I strongly believe in natural alternatives to challenge products the industry has been using for decades. 


Are there particular challenges in your job? 

Of course there are challenges, as you have in every job. Especially when you work in an environment where it’s your goal to improve lives worldwide. I take care of many customers and prospects. They are faced with lots of challenges as well. But it’s my job to facilitate and help them to overcome theirs. 


How do you like to spend time outside of work? 

For me having fun and playing games with my 8-year-old son is one of my favourite pass time activities. I love being outdoor as well. This could be a long hike in nature, but I’m equally happy when gardening. When I’m indoor I love to play chess. So shoutout to all my new colleagues: feel free to challenge me for playing a game of chess!