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By David Eddy | February 6, 2023 

[...] Michael Hull, Technical Services Manager, Kemin: “A biological product is not expensive when used appropriately in an IPM program. Growers should utilize this category of crop protection differently than conventional chemistry. It is essential to understand that the purpose of biological products is to use them as a preventive approach before a pest reaches the farm’s economic threshold. When used at the beginning of the season, a biological is applied at its lower label rate and, therefore, will cost less. 


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By Growing Produce Staff | February 12, 2022

We feature among the new biological crop protection products that are maintaining forward momentum. 

[...] Kemin is launching two OMRI-listed®, foliar spray insecticides in 2022. A contact miticide-insecticide and repellent, TetraCURB MAX, made with a proprietary blend of rosemary-peppermint-clove and castor oils that kill and control mites and soft-bodied insects with a zero-hour REI (restricted-entry interval), zero-day PHI (preharvest interval), and no MRLs (maximum residue limit) on all crops. Kemin is also launching a garlic oil-based insecticide and repellent, Gemsei, that controls more challenging types of pests like lepidopteran.

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The Biological Industry is gaining traction, but many specialty crop farmers want more information about the science and efficacy of those types of products.

Meister Media, for example, dives deep into the state of the Biological Industry in their Biological Crop Protection and Plant Health Annual Report

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By Brian D. Sparks | March 24, 2021

[...] TetraCurb Concentrate from Kemin Crop Technologies is a plant-based biological, and its active ingredient (rosemary oil) provides multiple modes of action, offering growers a new tool for resistance management. TetraCurb can help control and mitigate population outbreaks on many common leafy-greens pests such as whiteflies, thrips, aphids, or mites.

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By Brian D. Sparks | March 18, 2021

In the article, Michael Hull, Technical Services Manager at Kemin Crop Technologies, articulates botanical products' opportunities to crop growers. 

[...] “Growers have too often assumed that oil-based pesticides will burn their crops or not be efficacious,” Hull says. “However, new products on the market are field-proven and designed to be safe for the plant, worker, and the environment.”

[...] A proactive preventative approach is critical for leafy green growers. Leafy green crops provide an extra challenge for growers, as pests can hide within the head of the plant or behind leaves.  Greenhouse Grower conveys the importance of planning and utilizing biological products for leafy green growers. 

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University of Florida Study - The University of Florida studied several commercial chemicals' efficacy and plant safety to control spider mites and other pests, specifically in hemp. Our product, TetraCURB™, was one of them. It showed strong control of both mites and whiteflies in this study. 

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AUGUST 12, 2021

Our blog post, "Including Botanicals in an Integrated Pest Management Program," was shared in three industry magazines! Botanical oil-based pesticides are practical tools for any integrated pest management program. Many specialty crop growers are still learning how to unlock the advantages of such biological pest control. This blog shares the benefits of a botanical product in an IPM program and tips for growers on application timing.

[...] “We often recommend adding botanical oil-based pesticides into an integrated pest management program for growers who are looking for a product to clean up pests before harvest time,” said Hull.

Read the full articles on Potato CountryCarrot Country, or Onion World

By Thomas Skernivitz | June 1, 2021

Vineyards in the Western U.S. often fight Vine Mealybugs (VMB). There are few chemical management options to control the pest, and the more they are used, the greater the likelihood for insecticide resistance to develop. This article by Growing Produce conveys to grape growers that biological solutions are a great addition to an integrated pest management program.

Richard Jones, California Sales Representative for Kemin Crop Technologies, shares the benefits of TetraCURB™ for grape growers. “One of their main attractive features are zero-day preharvest interval (PHI) and maximum residue limit (MRL) exemption, making them convenient and safe products for grape growers to work with,” Jones says.

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By Thomas Skernivitz | May 27, 2021

Strong integrated pest management and vine health programs can elevate grape growers' operations. Growing Produce shared this article to educate grape growers on the impact of a proactive vine health program. 

Richard Jones, California Sales Representative for Kemin Crop Technologies, says adequate levels of nutrients are needed to minimize imbalances and maximize yield or quality issues, although yield and quality are not necessarily the goals of wine grape growers.

[...] “That’s a distinction that needs to be identified and varies per winery and contract,” he says. “The winemakers ultimately take the initiative in deciding how it should be done. Grape growers may overlook maximum residue level issues on some crop protection materials, and that can cause significant problems if their products are flagged in the EU.”

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By Brian D. Sparks | March 24, 2021

Biological products are effective on many specialty crops, but some growers want to see how it performs on specific crop species. Greenhouse Grower shares a list of biological products that can benefit greenhouse lettuce growers. Included in that list is TetraCURB™ Concentrate, a plant-based biological with rosemary oil as its active ingredient. TetraCURB can control and mitigate whiteflies, thrips, aphids, or mites on leafy greens. 

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By Brian Sparks | February 15, 2021

The Biological Market is changing quickly, and many growers want to learn more about how these products can help them reach success.  Growing Produce shares 10 ways growers can improve their understanding on the use of biologicals in crops. 

[..] “Essential oil-based products are safer for workers and the environment, compared to traditional synthetic materials,” Hull says. “They have zero-hour preharvest intervals and re-entry intervals, so growers can apply them at and up to harvest time.”

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By Growing Produce | February 13, 2021

Greenhouse, vegetable and fruit growers need crop protection solutions that are effective on pests and environmentally conscious. Greenhouse Grower shares insights from experts in the biological industry.

In their article, Michael Hull shares his thoughts on what growers can do to control pests effectively.  

Read more on Greenhouse Grower Mag

By Thomas Skernivitz |February 13, 2021

[...] We want to connect with industry experts and specialty crop growers, so we launched a Facebook page to establish deeper relationships. 

“We think that the Facebook page will offer our audience a way to become more connected to our team and learn about things happening in the field,” Product Manager Tatiana Giacinti said. Follow Kemin Crop Technologies on Facebook!

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By Thomas Skernivitz | February 7, 2021

Growing Produce shares information about biological crop protection options for vegetable and other specialty crop growers. In their article, Michael Hull shares his opinions on how growers can utilize biologicals on their crops.

[...] “Providing growers with environmentally friendly options that have proven efficacy will help them control the diseases and pests while being safe and sustainable at the same time,” Hull says. “

These biological developments will be vital for the future of sustainable agriculture, crop health, and protection.

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