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Ruminant Vaccines

Kemin delivers a broad range of live and inactivated vaccines empowering transboundary control of viral pathogens compromising food security and performance of the dairy and beef industry worldwide.

Vaccines that empower transboundary control so that national veterinary services can preserve food security.

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Ruminant Vaccines Portfolio Guide

transboundary control

MEVAC™ LSD Live attenuated Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) monovalent vaccine containing the MEVAC LSDV-Neethling strain

MEVAC™ SHEEP POX Live-attenuated freeze-dried vaccine for immunization of sheep and goat against Sheeppox Virus (SPPV Romanian strain)

MEVAC™ PPR Live attenuated Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) monovalent vaccine containing the serotype Nigeria 75/1

MEVAC™ RVF Inactivated Rift Valley Fever (RVF) monovalent vaccine containing the ZH 501 strain [N/RVFV/ME/ZH 501], based on aluminium hydroxide with saponin

  • TRI-APHTHOVAC™ PLUS Inactivated heptavalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes

  • APHTHOVAC™ - TRI Inactivated trivalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, O-PanAsia2, and Asia1/Shamir

  • BI-APHTHOVAC™ Inactivated bivalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, and O-PanAsia2

  • HEXA-APHTHOVAC™ Inactivated hexavalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, A-Africa-GIV, Asia1-Shamir, O-PanAsia2,  O-EA-3, and O-Manisa

  • APHTHOVAC™ 7 Inactivated octavalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, A-Africa-GIV [Egypt-2022], A-Euro-South America [Euro-SA], SAT2-Eritrea/98, SAT2-Libya, O-PanAsia2, O-EA-3, O-Manisa-69

  • APHTHOVAC™ 2 Inactivated aqueous tetravalent vaccine for immunization of ruminants against FMD serotypes O-PanAsia2, O-Manisa-69, A-Asia-GVII and A-Iran-05

  • APHTHOVAC™ 3 Inactivated pentavalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, A-Asia-GVII, O-PanAsia2, O-Manisa-69, SAT2-Eritrea/98

  • APHTHOVAC™ 4 Inactivated hexavalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, A-Asia-GVII, O-PanAsia2, O-Manisa 69, SAT2-Eritrea/98, Asia1/Shamir

  • APHTHOVAC™ ME Inactivated emulsified pentavalent vaccine for immunization of cloven-hoofed animals against FMD serotypes A-Iran-05, SAT 2-Eritrea/98, O-PanAsia2, O-Manisa-69 and Asia 1/Shamir

  • APHTHOVAC™ O Inactivated bivalent viral vaccine for immunization against FMD serotypes O-PanAsia2 and O-Manisa-69

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The content on this site is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. Although the information on this site is accessible worldwide, not all products or services are available to all persons or in all geographic locations or jurisdictions. Certain statements, product labeling and claims may differ by geography or as required by local governmental regulations.