Caroline Ecoffard (35) is the latest addition to the Kemin Food Technologies EMEA family. We caught up with her, just 15 days after she officially joined up, to get to know her better. Ready to read her story?
Welcome Caroline! How about a quick introduction?
My name is Caroline Ecoffard, I’m 35 years old, and I live in Vannes, France with my fiancée and our two children. Two highly active boys, which can pose a challenge at times. Luckily, I’m all about challenging myself – which is why I feel right at home at Kemin Food Technologies as a Product Platform Manager. I must say that I’ve been feeling welcome since day one. The amount of welcome messages I’ve received from fellow employees all over the world has been overwhelming, to say the least. It makes me feel part of a family. A great feeling, no doubt.
What can you tell us about the journey that eventually brought you to Kemin?
I started out with a Bachelor Degree in Business Management & Marketing, here in France. I turned towards International Business Studies, including internships and courses, which led me to become Logistic Manager in a food trading company. It has been far from a straight road, my career. At a certain point I was spending my days traveling back and forth between Vannes and Paris every weekend and that made me decide on a few changes. I joined a very well-known pet food company at a lower position – but one where I felt at ease with plenty of challenges to take on. I was blessed to have skilled managers who had faith in my marketing skills and encouraged me to do my best. That was all I needed at the time.
And now, you’re here at Kemin. What led you to decide to join the team?
I was made aware of the position by a recruiter at a really crucial time in my life and after several interviews, I was offered the position. I knew Kemin as a competitor in pet food, so it was not an easy call for me...but I noticed how all of the interviews were – in fact - comfortable talks with no trap questions or standard subjects. It helped that I had already heard a lot of good things about Kemin from industry fellows. In the end, I felt that click I really wanted to feel when talking to a future employer. It proved a great decision.