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GemseiOMRI-LISTED®Contact Insecticide & Repellent for Lepidopteran & Harder to Kill Pests

A garlic oil-based biopesticide to control diamondback moth, spotted wing drosophila, worms & other lepidopteran pests 

Do pests like beetles, caterpillars, moths, leafhoppers, psyllids or scales threaten your operation? We can help you! Gemsei™ is an organic garlic oil-based, contact insecticide and powerful repellent that controls, suppresses and repels a wide range of lepidopteran pests and soft-bodied insects on a variety of specialty crops. Gemsei acts through multiple modes of action provided by the complex mixture of its key organosulfur active compounds in the garlic essential oil.

Garlic oil plays a major role in an IPM program to manage pesticide resistance without disturbing non-target organisms or having a hazardous effect on the environment. Gemsei doesn’t leave a residue or influence the taste and smell of food crops.  

Download the brochure


Labels & Other Literature 


Active ingredient TetraCURB

Garlic Oil Technology



  • Garlic oil...........................6%


Not all the garlic oils are the same:

  • Garlic oil derived from a premium selected source 
  • Highly selected garlic oil source with active compounds screening
  • Strong understanding of the actives and relative concentrations
  • Effective formulation development with consistent performance

Why Do Growers Need Garlic To Kill Pests Safely?

Crop Tech ICONS

Worker Safety

Crop Tech ICONS

Compatible with Beneficials and Pollinators

Crop Tech ICONS

Convenient to Use

Crop Tech ICONS

No Sensory Impact

Crop Tech ICONS No Phytotoxicity

No Phytotoxicity Observed*

Crop Tech ICONS Rotation

Excellent Pest Resistance Management Tool

Crop Tech icon MRL EXEMPT

MRL Exempt


Target Pests Controlled

Broad-spectrum control, including but not limited to:

• Mites

• Aphids

• Beetles

• Caterpillars 

• Moths

• Flies 

• Leafhoppers

• Mealybugs

• Psyllids

• Scales

• Thrips

• Whiteflies


Use Sites

For indoor and outdoor crops, food and non-food crops, such as, but not limited to:

• Small fruits and berries

• Pome and stone fruits

• Brassica (cole), bulb vegetables

• Leafy and oriental vegetables

• Herbs and spices

• Tree nuts

• Fruiting and legume vegetables

• Root and tuber vegetables

• Cucurbit vegetables

• Hops and hemp

• Citrus fruits and subtropical fruits

• Greenhouse and nursery

(Refer to the label for the full list).

Lettuce round


How Does Gemsei Work?

Crop Tech ICONS



Gemsei's lipophilic plant oil kills the insect pest by degrading the waxy cuticle causing dehydration.

Crop Tech ICONS Repellent


Gemsei interferes with the pest’s sensing faculties, disguising the odor signal emitted by crops, hence keeping them away and limiting the chances of their establishment on crops.

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Gemei affects the pest’s odor-binding receptors that interfere with the way that adult males and females locate each other, decreasing the likelihood of successful reproduction

Crop Tech ICONS



Gemsei disrupts the adult female pest from laying eggs on the leaf, preventing future infestation break out.

Crop Tech ICONS Antifeedant



Gemsei discourages pests from feeding, preventing future leaf damage. 


Directions For Use

Always read and follow label directions | Shake or mix the concentrate well before use | Must be diluted before use | Do not store diluted solution


- Rates for 100 gallons of water per acre

- A minimum of 30 gallons of total spray volume per acre

- For optimal product efficacy we recommend adjusting the pH of the water solution to neutral or slightly acid (around 6-6.5).

  • PREVENTATIVE < Economic threshold: 16 fl. oz (5-7 days interval)
  • LOW PRESSURE At economic threshold: 32 fl. oz (5-10 days interval)
  • MODERATE TO SEVERE PRESSURE > Economic threshold 48-64 fl.oz (5-7 days interval)


- Start applications at the first appearance of pests; do not wait until plants are heavily infested

- Early morning or late afternoon

- At any time up to and including the day of harvest 

Net Content: 2.5 Gallons

Can be applied alone or in combination and/or rotation with chemical insecticides. Gemsei is compatible with most commonly used insecticides and miticides, but a jar test for compatibility and phytotoxicity is recommended before use. Follow the strictest label directions.


Efficacy of Gemsei | Field Trials 

Efficacy on pickleworm (diaphania nitidalis) populations in cucurbits 

By controlling the pickleworm infestation, Gemsei can reduce crop loss and the number of unmarketable fruits. (​source: SD-22-24656)


See the full trial here

Efficacy on spotted wing drosophila (SWD) (drosophila suzukii) populations in blackberry 

Gemsei at 56 fl. oz/100 gal. was able to significantly provide 87% suppression of the SWD larvae population after 4 weeks. Gemsei performed as well as the industry standard spinosad and significantly better than azadirachtin in the suppression of SWD larvae. (source: SD-21-24450)


Download the Pest Sheet

Efficacy on Asian citrus psyllid in sweet oranges

Gemsei™ at 0.375% was able to significantly reduce the nymphal population by 85% 6 days after the first application! 

Download the Pest Sheet


The products are not registered, or authorized for sale in all states. Consult your Kemin representative or your state regulatory representative for approval of this use in your state, specific applications and labeling.

Gemsei is registered for use in AZ, FL, OR, WA, ID, NC, SC, NM, TX.




Interested in Gemsei? Contact us to use it in your next rotation!

Richard Jones

Sales Manager


P: 626-372-1153 

Email Rich



Gordon Macquirter

Sales Manager


P: 515-344-6674

Email Gordon


Greg Estes

Sales Manager


P: 515-823-9744

Email Greg


For other regions, please contact us via the form below:

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Intended for commercial use. Always read and follow the entire label direction before use.

Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance management and IPM recommendations for the specific site and pest problems in your area. 

Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographic regions. Product labeling and associated claims may differ based upon regulatory requirements. Consult with your regulatory representative for specific applications and labeling.

Gemsei™ is a registered trademark of Seipasa S.A.