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Antibiotic Reduction In Poultry — The Way Forward For Our Industry

Antibiotic resistance is one of the twenty-first century’s most pressing public health challenges. There are increasingly strict regulations regarding the type, duration, and quantities of antibiotics used across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The choice of whether to use an antibiotic or not no longer lies with livestock producers.

Added to this, there is great interest in antibiotic alternatives globally. However, exclusively replacing antibiotics with an antimicrobial derived from a plant or chemical source is not the best way forward.

At Kemin, we know that integrated health management is a sustainable long-term solution to reduce antibiotic use. This approach helps us leverage sustainable alternatives using a tailormade method that optimizes biosecurity, genetics, and feed. 

Antibiotic Reduction In Poultry — The Way Forward For Our Industry

Excessive antibiotic use in healthcare and livestock production leads to problems with antibiotic resistance. In the poultry industry antibiotic resistance has led to poor growth and higher mortality rates. This negatively impacts profitability. New antibiotics are not entering the market and therefore it becomes crucial to preserve the efficacy of those we already have. To make matters worse, regulations continue to be issued that mandate reductions in antibiotic use. These factors pose significant challenges for health professionals and livestock producers who strive to improve animal health but have to do so by reducing overall antibiotic use.

At Kemin, we tackle these challenges using our preventative health focus. Using the World Health Organization’s ‘One Health’ framework we believe that improved public health outcomes are best achieved when we work collaboratively together with organizations across multiple sectors. 

At Kemin, it is our priority to reduce antibiotic use in birds by providing you with the best possible alternatives and applicable services. To make this possible, our science-based solutions leverage the beneficial effects of intestinal health management and immune support. We do this in two ways:

1. Strengthening the digestive tract:

  • CLOSTAT® - our probiotic solution contains Bacillus sp. spores (ATCC PTA-6737 patented by Kemin) originating from natural enteritis resistant chickens. CLOSTAT promotes a healthy microbiome and reduces the risks of enteritis. Watch a testimonial about CLOSTAT.
  • ButiPEARLTM - our microencapsulated and highly concentrated source of butyrate enables superior handling ease and sustained release along the gastrointestinal tract. ButiPEARL improves overall intestinal integrity.
  • FormaXOLTM – Our non-antibiotic solution uses encapsulation technology and empowering synergism drawing on organic acids and functional flavors. FormaXOL controls pathogenic gram-negative bacteria in animals.

2. Improving immune status:

  • AletaTM – Our unique beta-glucan product derived from algae (Euglena gracilis) improves immune status.

Added to this, Kemin’s preventive health solutions benefit your birds in the following ways by offering:

  • Excellent uniformity;
  • Optimal feed conversion;
  • Effective immunity;
  • Vaccination success;
  • Predictable and secure production cycles.

Our experts are always available for farm visits or remote advice. We can help you develop tailor-made solutions to reduce your antibiotic use. Our large network of global experts has the experience needed to equip you with the most effective antibiotic reduction programs.

Moreover, our Customer Lab Service (CLS) performs multiple laboratory analyses and supports rapid on-farm tests to monitor the health status of your birds.

Learn more about the economics of poultry preventive health

Did you know that if the synergy of Kemin’s CLOSTAT and ALETA products is leveraged in antibiotic-free broiler production performance improves and mortality is reduced with an ROI of > 3?

Did you know that Kemin’s CLOSTAT stabilizes the intestinal flora of birds resulting in resistance to intestinal pathogens (e.g., Clostridia)? Trials have shown a reduction in the need for therapeutic antibiotics by up to 50%, leading to an ROI of 5 from the savings on antimicrobials alone.

Read more outcomes in our Technical Trial

Did you know that preventative health measures using feed or water are significantly more successful when looking at farm economics in comparison to focusing on antibiotic use? These measures improve profitability even in healthy livestock.