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KEMTRACE™ Chromium

Why bioavailability matters?

Bioavailability is important because it’s how much of the mineral is being absorbed by the animal in a form that can be used in metabolism. Essentially, higher absorption means you are getting what you pay for!

KEMTRACE™ Chromium is a highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium proportionate


What is KEMTRACE™ Chromium? 

KEMTRACE™ Chromium– is a water soluble, highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium that helps improve glucose utilization and reduce the negative impacts of stress for increased cellular energy and function. This results in improved growth and immunity in farm animals. KEMTRACE™ Chromium has been fed to millions of animals around the globe since its introduction in 2000. It is registered in more than 35 countries worldwide and is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration - reviewed form of chromium propionate.

Omri Listed Logo Icon

KEMTRACE™ Chromium - OR - an OMRI Listed®, organic-compliant form of chromium propionate — will soon be available for use in organic broiler diets. KEMTRACE™ Chromium is manufactured in Singapore, sourced from U.S.-based raw materials and are available in three product concentrations:

  • 0.04% - for use in complete diets
  • 0.4% & 4% - for use in a premix prior to inclusion in complete diets

How does KEMTRACE™ Chromium work for you? 


Response Based on Hierarchical Needs

How Does Kemtrace Chromium Work Pyramid Infographic
Chromium mobilizes more blood glucose into tissues, allowing for improved performance based on the animal's hierarchy of needs. As the primary source of energy for cells, glucose is critical to an animal’s performance and is used in several key metabolic functions.

Insulin: Key to Maximizing Nutrition Uptake

Insulin “unlocks the door” to the cell for blood glucose.

Mode of Action

KemTRACE™ Chromium Mode of Action
  1. Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells.
  2. Readily available propionate from KEMTRACE™ Chromium optimizes the activation of the insulin receptor.
  3. The cell increases glucose uptake.
  4. The additional glucose allows for more energy to be available for proper cell function, which can boost sow immunity maintenance and reproductive performance.

What is KEMTRACE™ Chromium? 

KEMTRACE™ Chromium– is a water soluble, highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium that helps improve glucose utilization and reduce the negative impacts of stress for increased cellular energy and function. This results in improved growth and immunity in farm animals. KEMTRACE™ Chromium has been fed to millions of animals around the globe since its introduction in 2000. It is registered in more than 35 countries worldwide and is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration - reviewed form of chromium propionate.


Why bioavailability matters?

Bioavailability is important because it’s how much of the mineral is being absorbed by the animal in a form that can be used in metabolism. Essentially, higher absorption means you are getting what you pay for!

KEMTRACE™ Chromium is a highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium proportionate


Benefits of using KEMTRACE™ Chromium in swine, broilers & ruminant

It is essential for livestock to be able to use the energy provided in the feed efficiently. This is particularly important when feed intake is compromised during periods of stress, extreme temperatures, or immune challenges. KEMTRACE™ Chromium potentiates insulin to efficiently use glucose in their hierarchy of needs. KEMTRACE™ Chromium is a highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium for all phases of livestock production.

From university research to on-the-farm results, KEMTRACE™ Chromium plays an important role in:

  • Glucose uptake;
  • Cellular energy;
  • Production; and
  • Profitability


How does KEMTRACE™ Chromium impact my operation?

In today’s market, commercial farm animal operations are subject to multiple stresses, all potentially detracting from maximising meat production at the lowest cost. The increase in energy efficiency created by chromium can maximize the genetic potential of high-performance farm animals. Turn to the proven leader in organic trace minerals to achieve the goodness of KEMTRACE™ Chromium for a proven increase in farm productivity. Offering the leading source of chromium in the industry, Kemin is committed to discovering innovative solutions to help your operation conquer nutritional challenges.

  • Kemin has invested more than 20 years and millions of dollars toward scientific research.
  • Kemin has conducted more than 50 peer-reviewed chromium research trials.
  • Manufactured from materials sourced entirely from the United States, under strict quality control specifications that meet the food additive standards published in 21 CFR 573.304.
  • Supported by our technical service team of respected Ph.D. nutrition and animal health experts with an array of valuable experience in research and production.
  • The only FDA-reviewed source of chromium propionate on the market today.


KEMTRACE™ Chromium Feeding Instructions
Species Feeding rate (Not to exceed)
Broiler 200 ppb/ton
Swine 200 ppb/ton
Beef 500 ppb/ton
Dairy 500 ppb/ton

KEMTRACE™ Chromium in Ruminant

Find out more on how KEMTRACE™ Chromium can improve your animal production.



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