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Maintain Visual Appeal

Sensory Appeal of Bakery & Snack Products

Challenge: Retaining fresh appearance and sensory qualities

Solution: FORTIUM™ R and GT-FORT™

Typical applications: Baked goods, snack foods, nuts, whole grains

Retain Sensory Appeal For Bakery & Snack Products

In the markets of Asia Pacific, the initial allure of food is a pivotal factor influencing consumer choices. Appearance is the first impression and the deciding factor for consumers when they make food purchases. Since appearance and freshness are so closely linked, frosted cupcakes or donuts need to look freshly frosted and crisp, crunchy popcorn, nuts and other savory snacks need to look as if they just emerged from the popper, roaster or oven.

Once purchased, consumers expect your baked product’s sensory attributes to pay off on the promise suggested by its fresh appearance.

A loss of freshness means your product may lose...

  • Taste
  • Mouthfeel
  • Moisture
  • Softness
  • Crispness

Want to retain freshness and sensory quality of your bakery products?

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